Why are beeswax candles the best?
Going back in history, beeswax was the preferred candle type by royalty, nobility and the church because of its pleasant aroma, beautiful light, and clean burn, but only available to those with the means to purchase them. Beeswax candles are still the premium candle, but the good news is they are no longer out of reach for most consumers. Let us show you why beeswax candles are the cleanest, brightest, and longest burning of candle waxes.
Beeswax candles do not require chemical processing. Beeswax is one of the densest waxes and has a high melting point (145°F), not requiring any hardeners, additives, or chemical treatments to make a quality product. Our candle making process is simple. When honeycomb is uncapped to release the honey during extraction, the cappings are saved, rinsed, and melted to remove impurities. Once our beeswax is clarified, it’s ready to be poured.

Because beeswax has a higher melting point than other waxes, the light it emits is the brightest, most warm-toned flame much like the spectrum of sunlight. It burns slower and drips less, making them last longer than most other candles. When kept out of drafts and wicked properly, beeswax candles may be drip free.